Resources & Guides


Free E-Book Guide

Learn what happens . . .

​If You Pass with Minor Children

​If You Pass with Adult Children

​At Your Burial

To Your Assets ​In Probate Court

​If You Survive your Children

Access HARP LAW’S Free Estate Planning Resources Now

1 - Estate Planning E-Book Guide: What Definitely Happens to Your Kids When You Die Without an Estate Plan

2 - Family Emergency Contact Plan

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Family Emergency Contact Plan

Our Family Emergency Contact Plan is designed to make sure the right people have access to the information they need about you and your kids in case of an emergency.

Simply fill the form out, print it, and place it in highly visible area of your house. Maybe the refrigerator? We also recommend that you laminate the plan so that it can withstand the test of time (and toddlers!).

Let babysitters, grandparents, close friends, family, and other caretakers know where and how to use the plan information in case of an emergency.